

The year’s triumphs reinforce the vision that ‘Together We’re Better’


OU-Pontiac倡议 Leadership Team




2023年OU-Pontiac倡议市政厅会议于10月21日在韦德体育app官网奥克兰中心举行,领导人和支持者聚集在一起庆祝取得的成就, set new goals and expand its network for even greater collaboration.   


特蕾莎修女Rodges, 中间, 开放大学大学预科项目和社区伙伴关系高级主管莫里斯·乌梅杰戈和凯莉·鲍威尔在旁边. Both are 韦德体育app官网 students working on the OU-Pontiac倡议.

去年的最高荣誉是6月份,OU-Pontiac倡议被美国州立大学协会(American Association of State Colleges and Universities)认定为全国社区参与模式, 赢得就职典礼 AASCU卓越 & 创新奖.

“We take great pride in this year’s AASCU recognition for the OU-Pontiac倡议,” said 韦德体育app官网 President Ora Hirsch Pescovitz. “该倡议是一个充满活力的伙伴关系,也是改善城市教育的催化剂, 公共卫生, 经济, 劳动力, 社区, 非营利组织与文化.”


 “我们都专注于同样的结果——一个充满活力、健康的社区和成功的市中心地区. We know there are many ways to get there, but we believe education and career-readiness is what makes this initiative sustainable,” said OCC Chancellor Peter Provenzano. “Focusing on 社区 with equitable access to education, 确保社区中的个人在未来几代人中有更多的就业能力和可持续的收入. 这反过来又提高了市中心娱乐、商业等的利用率. We are pleased to formalize this commitment."

“我们重视OU-Pontiac倡议,并感谢韦德体育app官网对Pontiac的承诺,” said City of Pontiac Mayor Tim Greimel. “我们期待继续在所有重点领域合作,扩大伙伴关系对改善居民日常生活的影响。. 我们也感谢奥克兰社区学院加入我们的努力,加强我们的教育和劳动力发展的机会.”

OU-Pontiac倡议 founding leader Tom Kimble, an OU honorary doctorate degree recipient added, “与这么多有爱心的人和团体一起在我心爱的庞蒂亚克市投资,我们能够取得的成果让我不断感到惊讶. Their time, energy and generosity will never be taken for granted.”

“When I reflect on our achievements this past year, 我受到鼓舞,要把更多的精力投入到这个项目中,因为毫无疑问,我们正在为庞蒂克的许多年轻男女带来改变,格伦·麦金托什说, Senior Vice President for Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer at 韦德体育app官网. “我非常感谢所有参与其中的人不知疲倦的工作,感谢每一个人和他们的组织所做的贡献.”   

欧共体-庞蒂亚克倡议仍有许多机会参与社区外展和参与. 那些感兴趣, 可以联系开放大学预科项目和社区伙伴关系高级主任特蕾莎·罗奇斯吗, 庞蒂亚克高中, 奥克兰 Community College and 韦德体育app官网 graduate at (248) 370-3087 or by visiting 奥克兰.edu/community/Pontiac-initiative.

Some of the OU-Pontiac倡议 pillar highlights for this past year include:  


  • Held a successful Women in Jazz program in February
  • Hosted Tuesday’s Global Music Jam from January through April
  • Led an Art 教育 Service Learning Partnership during the year with Pontiac High School
  • Grew this year’s Pontiac Arts Crawl event to more than 5,000 participants


  • Brought 1,088 students to OU via Pre-College Program for campus learning opportunities
  • 通过在开放大学为庞蒂亚克学生举办护理和健康科学教育和意识项目来教育学生 
  • Hosted 庞蒂亚克高中 Athlete’s Lunch and Learn event with OU coaches and players
  • Enriched the minds of more than 1,000 area 5th grade students during the Clinton River Water Festival

Neighborhoods and nonprofits

  • 为开放大学的非营利组织管理证书项目设立了5个全额奖学金,面向庞蒂亚克非营利企业员工
  • 制定了非营利组织能力建设调查,以评估COVID-19对庞蒂亚克非营利组织的影响
  • Engaged 860 college students to participate in various community service projects


  • 主持了六个公民参与项目,如埃德蒙·佩特斯桥步兵艾丽丝·摩尔和丹尼斯·霍尔特的课程. They recounted their experiences as teenagers in the fight for voting rights. 
  • 帮助庞蒂亚克居民提供参加六月自由日庆祝活动的机会. 
  • Initiated conversations to rename Bagley Street in Pontiac as a historical site

Health Care and Wellness

  • 举办美国医学协会返校计划,鼓励孩子们考虑从事医学领域的职业 
  • Provided resources for Mental Health training and informational sessions 
  • 为庞蒂亚克一些最脆弱的居民举办了街头医疗诊所和健康博览会 
  • Facilitated a career day for Pontiac High School students at Trinity Health 奥克兰 Hospital 

Economic and Workforce development 

  • 在OCC为庞蒂亚克高中的学生提供大学准备课程,为大学课程做准备, build time management skills and other skills to aid in their success when entering college
  • 设计短期, high-intensity training programs at OCC in partnership with 奥克兰 County Michigan Works! to prepare students for careers in high paying careers
  • Worked with businesses and educators to offer skilled trade and manufacturing training
  • 20家庞蒂亚克企业联合起来,为年轻人提供了今年的IAmPontiac带薪暑期实习机会,以获得工作经验,并向商业导师学习.




韦德体育app官网-庞蒂亚克倡议(OU-PI)正在推进庞蒂亚克的活力,同时为韦德体育app官网的学生提供体验式学习的机会. We promote civic engagement in the community. 除了, 我们呼吁广泛的个人和组织网络通过使用适当的基础设施来实现这些目标, human and financial resources. 

  • 促进庞蒂亚克和韦德体育app官网的团队建立关系和合作项目 
  • 促进大学的研究议程,重点是加强两个社区的互利项目 
  • 通过将学生与基于pontiac的服务学习机会联系起来,加强课程和课外项目, 实习, 志愿者的经历, 康乐及艺术 
  • To support the city’s Economic Development 战略计划: Pontiac Moving Forward

  • To connect Pontiac-based entities with OU faculty, students, programs and resources 
  • To facilitate consistent, accurate and timely communication between Pontiac and the university communities
  • 确定并确保所需的人力和财政资源(包括外部赠款),以确保社区参与的可持续模式


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